How To Create Digital Marketing Invoice with ReliaBills

How to Create Digital Marketing Invoice

Do you manage a digital marketing agency? If so, you’re probably aware of how crucial it is to get paid on time. Not only does it keep the cash flowing but it also sustains your daily operations as well. Unfortunately, payment isn’t possible if you don’t have proper invoicing. That’s why you should create a digital marketing invoice to make sure your clients will pay you on time.

A digital marketing invoice is quite different from your average invoice. For one, it’s made specifically for digital marketing clients. It also lists specific digital marketing services, as well as tools used during the project or campaign. So, without further ado, let’s delve deeper into what you should know about this type of invoice.

What Digital Marketing Invoice Is For?

Different invoices serve different purposes. For this one, it’s digital marketing agencies. Invoicing clients can be quite a drag. For one, they might misplace the bill you sent them, forget to send a check, or any other number of possible scenarios. Before you know it, the due date for payment has already passed and you’re dealing with a possible profit loss.

As a result, your agency’s revenue takes a hit, and your income stream will dip. What’s the best way to deal with this situation? Here’s what you do: you formulate an invoice system made specifically for digital marketing and craft the ideal invoice for it. As mentioned earlier, this type of invoice is made specifically for digital marketing firms and their valued client. It functions the same way as a typical invoice. However, the main difference is the business that uses it.

If you run a digital marketing firm, it’s time you consider ditching traditional billing and embrace automated invoicing. It’s a better and more convenient option that will provide a lot of benefits. All you need is the right marketing invoice template.

Now that you know what a digital marketing invoice is for, it’s time for you to know how to invoice your clients the right way and get paid on your terms. Here are five essential tips that you should follow:

5 Essential Tips on How To Invoice Your Clients the Right Way

1. Establish Clear Expectations in the Contract

Every digital marketing business transaction needs to have a contract for it to become official. The best way to make sure your agency is paid on time is by clarifying the payment terms before your client signs the dotted lines. During the negotiation phase, make sure that you make every meeting an active conversation. Don’t just include the expectations within the contract document. By doing so, you can prevent client confusion about how and when to pay. At the same time, they will also be aware of what the policy is for late payment.

2. Request a Deposit

It’s not unusual for marketing businesses to ask for an upfront deposit on large purchases. It’s also the same for marketing agencies. Aside from providing the firm with upfront revenue, having clients pay a deposit will address two important things:

  • It pinpoints any “red flag clients.
  • It ensures the mechanics of the invoices process are working correctly.

3. Include Project Specifics and Contact Information on Your Invoice

An invoice contains a lot of important information about you and your client. Most of the time, it’s passed off to another financial team, or someone tasked to make purchasing decisions. That’s why it’s essential that you also have your agency’s contact information included on your invoice. Having your contact information on your invoice will make it easy for other potential clients to reach out and get in touch if they are interested in your services.

Another important aspect about adding your contact information on your invoice is it makes you’re billing the right person. If your primary contact isn’t the person who’s paying the bills, make sure you figure out who that person is. You can do yourself and your client a huge favor by billing to the right person directly. Before you even create your marketing invoice, make sure that you know the right spelling of your client’s name and business.

4. Include Late Payment Terms on Your Invoice

In most cases, clients won’t review their copy of the Contract for payment terms before settling a bill. However, you can make your job easier by including late payment terms at the bottom of every invoice. Not only will you let your clients know about late payment fees, but they will also appreciate that you made sure to inform them about it. It will also guarantee that they will most likely pay on time.

5. List Everything

Your marketing invoice features a list of all the products or services that your client owes you. Whether it’s SEO services, web development, or content creation, you must include everything. The last thing you want is for some of your services to go unpaid. That’s why you need to keep track of all the services you’ve rendered and make sure they are included in your invoice.

Creating a Digital Marketing Invoice

As a digital marketer, you can innovate and grab people’s attention through online marketing. That’s why it’s crucial that your invoice also has the same spark as you do. Fortunately, you can boost your reputation by creating professional invoices from ReliaBills. All you need is to download the free digital marketing invoice template available once you’ve created an account.

A free digital marketing invoice template will be available the moment you create a ReliaBills account. The ReliaBills digital marketing invoice template is available in different designs. That means you can create something for your digital marketing agency. Every digital marketing invoice template is easy to fill out and send, making your entire invoicing process simple and easy.

You can also add personalized details to make your entire invoice not only for you to get paid but for you to market your business as well. Head over to, create your account, and customize your own digital marketing invoice template now.

A marketing invoice template should be simple, with more room for plenty of detail. Just make sure you are using the ideal marketing invoice template, you can set up your invoice properly. When creating your invoice, make sure you include several service details such as the following:

  • The word ‘Invoice‘ – we want to make sure our clients know what they’re receiving. So, it’s best to place the actual word into the document as well.
  • Your digital marketing name or agency, address, contact details, and company registration number. 
  • Client’s name and address
  • Important dates: payment due date, invoice issue date, and delivery date.
  • A unique invoice reference number.
  • Description of each product or service rendered, including quantity, cost per unit, and total item cost.
  • The total amount charged – include tax information.
  • Available payment methods; include your bank account number and a reference code to identify the customer.

Automate Your Digital Marketing Invoice With ReliaBills

At this point, you already know how to create a digital marketing invoice. Good for you! Now, it’s time to take it to the next level by using automation. There are many options out there. But none comes close to the simplicity and convenience that ReliaBills brings to the table. 

Why Use a Recurring Billing Software like ReliaBills?

Why should you use ReliaBills and its recurring billing feature? What are the benefits of recurring billing? How can recurring invoicing software benefit your company? Why is recurring billing critical to businesses today, including mine? What makes recurring billing different from traditional invoicing? All of these questions will be answered here

Bump Up Your Cash Flow

Recurring billing helps improve your cash flow by recurring invoicing, which means that your customers will receive your invoice automatically on a recurring basis. At the same time, ReliaBills will also help you get paid more regularly while encouraging customers to buy from you again because of the convenience and simplicity that recurring billing provides.

No Extra Effort Needed

The benefits don’t end there, though! Another benefit that ReliaBills offers is that recurring invoicing software can help reduce the effort required from your employees. You will no longer have to sit down and wait for a customer invoice or manually send out bills, as our recurring billing feature does all of this for you automatically with its auto-billing feature! Not only does recurring billing make it easier, but it also makes it more efficient.

Improve Customer Relationship

ReliaBills can do far more for your business than improve cash flow and make recurring invoicing easier, though. When you use our recurring billing feature, you will have a better chance of retaining customers as well because we allow your business to create subscription plans that are flexible enough regardless of the type of industry you are in.


With ReliaBills, you can also automate payment processes to make the process of paying your bills hassle-free for both you and your customers. Now that recurring invoices are sent automatically through our recurring billing software; you no longer have to worry about your income stream since you know exactly when payments are coming! That makes recurring billing a truly a win-win situation for you and your business.

How to Get Started With ReliaBills Recurring Billing?

Getting started with ReliaBills is easy! First, you need to create your free account. Once you’re done, you can get access to all the available tools in the recurring billing software. Some notable features include:  

If you want more features, you can upgrade to ReliaBills PLUS. Additional features include:

  • Auto Collection Notifications
  • SMS Text messaging
  • Chargeback Recovery
  • Automated Failed Payment Recovery
  • Store Customer Payment info (Auto Bill)
  • Virtual Payment Terminal
  • Online Customer Auto Pay Auth Form
  • Automated Reversed Payment Fees
  • Automated Late fees
  • and more!

For just $24.95, you can take your recurring billing to the next level! So if you’re ready to get started, create your free account today and get familiar with ReliaBills and its recurring billing software.

Wrapping Up

By creating a digital marketing invoice, you can provide value to your clients. Not only will they commend your efforts in sending your invoice to them, but they will also appreciate your professionalism. If you’re ready to create your digital marketing invoice, head over to our site today and create your account now.

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